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6 artikel(en)

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  • The silence of dogs in cars

    "The series is not about the issue of leaving dogs in hot cars, though Martin, a confirmed dog-lover..., is obviously aware of the animal welfare debate. These pictures stem from his childhood experience and then extend into the feeling of isolation many of us will experience, in this case in a modern urban setting." Meer info
    € 50,00

  • Honden bij de Grieken en Romeinen

    Enige tijd geleden stootte de auteur, Robert van der Molen, op enkele tegenstrijdigheden in citaten van een paar Griekse en Romeinse schrijvers. Dat deed hem er toe besluiten om maar eens de originele teksten van deze schrijvers te bestuderen. En al studerende kwam hij tal van onwaarheden op het spoor, die in de kynologische literatuur als waarheden worden aangeprezen, zelfs in de alom geprezen Toepoel's Hondenencyclopedie. Dat bracht hem er toe de verschillende teksten maar eens om te zetten naar het Nederlands. Meer info

    Normale prijs: € 71,00

    Aanbieding € 49,95

  • Canis Africanis*

    This suite of essays is a first for historical writing about southern Africa: they recover an animal’s ubiquitous, yet hidden presence in human history. The authors have used the dog as a way “to think about human society”. The dog is the connecting thread binding these essays, which each reveals a different part of the complex social history of southern Africa. The essays range widely from concerns over disease, bestiality, and social degradation through greyhound gambling, to anxieties over social status reflected through breed classifications, to social rebellion through resistance to the dog tax imposed by colonial authorities. With its focus on dogs in human history, this project is part of what has been termed the ‘animal turn’ in the social sciences, which investigates the spaces which animals inhabit in human society and the way in which animal and human lives interconnect. Meer info
    € 111,00

  • Living with Dogs

    Man's relationship with the world of dogs is not only universal, but also frequently all-encompassing, influencing how we live, what we collect, and how we spend our leisure time. Living with Dogs explores the multitude of ways that dog owners share their lives with their pets. In 26 delightfully written stories, a witty, admiring text, and 400 full-color photographs, the authors of The Sporting Life and A Passion for Golf capture the experiences of dogs and people--at home, in the country, in the city, and even at work, with a special focus on the nostalgic memorabilia that remind people of their devotion to their pets. The authors visit passionate owners, breeders, trainers, and collectors across the country and offer a look into their dog-filled lives. Profiles include an interior designer who has amassed a lifetime of canine art; a collector with a house full of four-legged porcelain figurines; a bibliophile with an outstanding assortment of dog-literature first editions; an artist who specializes in dog portraits; and a veterinarian who proudly displays antique tools of his trade. The authors also focus on other aspects of dog devotion, including the Philadelphia All-Terrier Show; a hotel decorated with canine appointments; a New England camp exclusively for dogs; a boutique devoted to canine accessories; the American Kennel Club; and a Manhattan gallery specializing in 19th-century dog art. Whether they are devoted to a particular breed or have simply fallen in love with dogs in general, the people featured here have succumbed to the "Slipcover School of Dog Management, allowing their dogs the complete run of their lives as well as their hearts. With an extensive resource list that includes dog art galleries, dog shows, kennel clubs, breeders, supply houses, and more, Living with Dogs is the ultimate tribute to canine companions. In 26 stories and 400 full-color photographs of homes, collections, galleries, meets, shows, kennels, and camps, Living with Dogs celebrates the devotion and passion of the millions of Americans for whom a life without dogs is not worth living. Meer info
    € 62,50

  • Potcakes*

    New Directions in the Human-Animal Bond
    Although The Bahamas is not alone, either in the Caribbean, or elsewhere in having a pet over-population problem, however this publication appears to be the first to provide a systematic study of dog ownership in a Caribbean society.

    Meer info
    € 62,50

  • Dogs in the North*

    Dogs in the North offers an interdisciplinary in-depth consideration of the multiple roles that dogs have played in the North. Meer info
    € 131,25

6 artikel(en)

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