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  • Fetch more dollars for your dog training business

    At last, sales coaching for dog trainers! Dog trainers generally don’t think of themselves as salespeople—many in fact recoil at the thought! However, when you define selling as the process of communicating the benefits that your services can provide to owners and their dogs, you realize that you must be an effective salesperson to have a successful business. Author John Visconti takes the mystery and fear out of the selling process in this book which belongs in the toolbox of every professional dog trainer. Meet your own personal sales coach! Meer info
    € 19,95

  • 97 Ways to make a dog smile

    News for dogs and dog lovers to smile about: The irresistible bestseller is now even more irresistible with a 4-by-6-inch “chunky” format. As quirky, colorful, and giftable as ever, 97 Ways to Make a Dog Smile is now fresher and more appealing. Meer info
    € 9,95

  • Soviet space dogs

    This book is dedicated to the dogs who were crucial to the success of the early Soviet space programme. All of them formerly homeless on the Moscow streets, they fitted the necessary profile: small, robust, placid and able to withstand the punishing preparations for space flight. They were also photogenic. On 3 November 1957, Laika was the first Earth-born creature into outer space, giving her instant global fame. Her death a few hours after launching was used to transform her into a symbol of patriotic sacrifice. Subsequent canine space travellers, Belka and Strelka, were the first to return alive, and were immediately featured in children’s books and cartoons. Images of the Space Dogs proliferated, reproduced on everyday goods across the Soviet Union: cigarette packets, sweet-tins, badges, stamps and postcards. This book uses these ephemeral items to illustrate the poignant tale of how the unassuming Soviet Space Dogs became legends. Text by Olesya Turkina, Senior Research Fellow at the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg. Meer info
    € 29,95

  • Dog selfies

    Everyone is snapping selfies and dogs are no exception! From the sublime to the ridiculous, this book collects the best photos of mutts who have taken the selfie craze into their own paws. Meer info
    € 10,50

  • Dogs on Wheels

    Helpful advice on how to get the most out of car journeys with a canine companion, whether travelling for five minutes or five hours. Packed with original colour photographs and well-researched information Meer info
    € 14,99

  • Was liest der Hund am Laternenpfahl

    Kann ein Wolf sieben Geißlein auf einmal fressen? Warum beißen Hunde so gern ins Gras? Können Hunde Ärger riechen? Müssen Hunde das Schwanzwedeln erst lernen? Haben gähnende Hunde zu wenig Schlaf? Und warum gräbt mein Hund den ganzen Garten um? Hier bleibt keine Frage offen! Amüsant und informativ wird aufgedeckt, was Hundefreunde schon immer wissen wollten. Ob kurios, erstaunlich oder ganz alltäglich: dieses Buch ist genauso besonders und charmant wie unsere Vierbeiner. Meer info
    € 9,99

  • How to Run a Dog Business

    Learn how to run the “business end” of the leash The demand for skilled dog trainers, dog walkers, pet sitters, and dog daycare and boarding operators has never been greater. But, to succeed in these fields, you’ll need more than dog expertise—you’ll need business savvy as well. Meer info
    € 24,99

  • An Unexpected Grace

    Lila Elliot knows she's lucky. A shooting rampage at her office left several colleagues dead and others seriously wounded. Lila's injuries will heal in time. Yet though she gratefully retreats to her best friend's house to recuperate, Lila can't quite move past her fear and anger. Being drafted into caring for Grace - a shaggy, formerly abused golden retriever--only adds to her stress. Lila has been terrified of dogs since childhood. But Grace, like Lila, needs time and space to recover. Grace keeps her distance, sensing Lila's wariness, and only perks up for Adam, the neighbour who rescued her. Though struggling to make sense of her recent tragedy, Lila, an accomplished artist, begins to see beauty in Grace's wisps of fur and haunted eyes. As Adam points out, Grace, too, has suffered through no fault of her own. And in helping Grace to trust, Lila is being gently nudged toward the courage she needs to do the same. Meer info
    € 15,00

  • Dogs in cars

    The pure joy of a dog with his nose to the horizon, in a moving car--captured on the page. Meer info
    € 21,99

  • Our Faithfull Companions*

    Our Faithful Companions: Exploring the Essence of Our Kinship with Animals, celebrates our affiliation with the animals that share our lives. Dr. Fine thoroughly explores why we create a bond with our companion animals and the role that animals have in promoting a warmer and kinder household. Throughout the book he has included testimonials, powerful anecdotes of people who have been affected by their interactions with animals, as well as scientific evidence to support the importance of the bond. Meer info
    € 14,95

Artikelen 1 tot 10 van 435 in totaal

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