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Artikelen 1 tot 10 van 85 in totaal

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  • How to Run a Dog Business

    Learn how to run the “business end” of the leash The demand for skilled dog trainers, dog walkers, pet sitters, and dog daycare and boarding operators has never been greater. But, to succeed in these fields, you’ll need more than dog expertise—you’ll need business savvy as well. Meer info
    € 24,99

  • Dogs in cars

    The pure joy of a dog with his nose to the horizon, in a moving car--captured on the page. Meer info
    € 21,99

  • Der moderne Gebrauchshund

    Der Gebrauchshund dient vielen, dem Menschen nützlichen Zwecken. So werden Gebrauchshunde beispielsweise zu Jagdhunden, Hüte- und Treibhunden, Wach- und Schutzhunden oder sogenannte Servicehunden (Suchhunde, Blinden- und Gehörlosenhunde, Therapiehunde) trainiert und ausgebildet. Daher zählt die Gebrauchshunde-Sportart zu den ältesten Disziplinen im Hundesport. Der Gebrauchshunde-Sport hat in der Vergangenheit viele Anhänger gefunden, allerdings wurde auch Kritik beim Umgang mit der Hundeerziehung laut. Der konstruktive Umgang mit dieser Kritik hat dazu geführt, dass sich über die Jahre hinweg viel bei der Ausbildung im Hundesport verändert hat. Diese Veränderungen haben dazu beigetragen, dass die Ausbildung zum Gebrauchshund für die Tiere sehr viel hundefreundlicher geworden ist und diese Hundesportart eine steigende Akzeptanz erfährt. Aus diesem Grund war ein aktuelles Buch zur zeitgemäßen Gebrauchshunde-Erziehung längst überfällig. Klaus Jadatz hat diese Lücke in der Hundeliteratur erkannt geschlossen. In seinem "Der moderne Gebrauchshund" erklärt er einfach und sehr verständlich die einzelnen Schritte der Gebrauchshundeausbildung mit den Disziplinen Unterordnung, Fährtenarbeit und Schutzdienst in Wort und Bild. Das Buch gibt Freunden des Gebrauchshunde-Sports einen Leitfaden zur Hundeausbildung in der Praxis an die Hand, der Hundebesitzer von den ersten Ausbildungsschritten bis zum Ablegen der Prüfung für den Gebrauchshund begleitet. Meer info
    € 24,95

  • The Business of dog walking

    Professional dog walking is a booming business. Over forty percent of U.S. households include a dog and the number is rising steadily. No wonder, then, that demand for dog walking services also keeps growing. But there’s a huge difference between throwing a leash on a few dogs and charging for it and running a professional dog walking business. To be a successful dog walker, you must be dog savvy and business savvy. Veronica Boutelle has helped thousands of dog walkers set up and run successful enterprises. This book tells you how. Meer info
    € 24,99

  • I want to kill the dog

    "Jasper is not my dog, just the family animal, a mutt, to be precise. Jasper is nothing but trouble. But of course, I am the problem. That is how it works in our house. That crazy animal has turned the place upside down, but I usually take the blame for causing chaos and provoking Jasper's chronic bad behavior. I am innocent, I swear." Meer info
    € 21,95

  • Zelda the queen of paris

    One day a scraggly little street dog came begging at the back door of a young American couple living in New Delhi, India. She was painfully thin, with blotches on her coat from malnutrition, and she looked as though she hadn’t slept in weeks. But when the door opened, this strange little dog wagged her tail, put an endearing smile on her face, and charmed her way straight inside. Meer info
    € 22,95

  • Der Weg zum alltagstauglichen Hund - Holger Schüler

    Das Ziel der Hundeerziehung ist es, einen gesellschaftsfähigen, sozial verträglichen Hund an seiner Seite zu haben. Nur so ist ein entspanntes Zusammenleben von Mensch und Hund garantiert. Doch wie wird mein Hund zum gut erzogenen Sozialpartner? Die DVD zeigt Schritt für Schritt die einzelnen Übungen auf, die der Hund auf dem Weg zum gesellschaftsfähigen Sozialpartner durchlaufen sollte. Gezeigt werden Basisübungen mit einem Welpen bis hin zum Endergebnis mit dem erwachsenen Hund. Meer info
    € 24,95

  • A letter to My Dog

    Written with love, these letters and their accompanying photographs finally give dogs the recognition they deserve. With inspiring notes from the A letter to My Dog blog, as well as contributions from Oprah Winfrey, Tony Bennet, Chelsea Handler, and more, this collection offers a heartfelt ode to the furriest of family members Meer info
    € 24,95

  • The $60,000 Dog

    From the time she is nine years old, biking to the farmland outside her suburban home, where she discovers a disquieting world of sleeping cows and a "Private Way" full of the wondrous and creepy creatures of the wild-spiders, deer, moles, chipmunks, and foxes-Lauren Slater finds in animals a refuge from her troubled life. As she matures, her attraction to animals strengthens and grows more complex and compelling even as her family is falling to pieces around her. Slater spends a summer at horse camp, where she witnesses the alternating horrific and loving behavior of her instructor toward the animals in her charge and comes to question the bond that so often develops between females and their equines. Slater's questions follow her to a foster family, her own parents no longer able to care for her. A pet raccoon, rescued from a hole in the wall, teaches her how to feel at home away from home. The two Shiba Inu puppies Slater adopts years later, against her husband's will, grow increasingly important to her as she ages and her family begins to grow. Slater's husband is a born skeptic and possesses a sternly scientific view of animals as unconscious, primitive creatures, one who insists "that an animal's worth is roughly equivalent to its edibility." As one of her dogs, Lila, goes blind and the medical bills and monthly expenses begin to pour in, he calculates the financial burden of their canine family member and finds that Lila has cost them about $60,000, not to mention the approximately 400 pounds of feces she has deposited in their yard. But when Benjamin begins to suffer from chronic pain, Lauren is convinced it is Lila's resilience and the dog's quick adaptation to her blindness that draws her husband out of his own misery and motivates him to try to adjust to his situation. Ben never becomes a true believer or a die-hard animal lover, but his story and the stories Lauren tells of her own bond with animals convince her that our connections with the furry, the four-legged, the exoskeleton-ed, or the winged may be just as priceless as our human relationships. The $60,000 Dog is Lauren Slater's intimate manifesto on the unique, invaluable, and often essential contributions animals make to our lives. As a psychologist, a reporter, an amateur naturalist, and above all an enormously gifted writer, she draws us into the stories of her passion for animals that are so much more than pets. She describes her intense love for the animals in her life without apology and argues, finally, that the works of Darwin and other evolutionary biologists prove that, when it comes to worth, animals are equal, and in some senses even superior, to human beings. Meer info
    € 24,95

  • Das Unternehmen Hund

    „Beruflich was mit Hunden machen“, davon träumen viele Hundefreunde. Sich eine eigene Existenzgrundlage mit dem schaffen, was man ohnehin am liebsten tut – die Vorstellung ist verlockend.
    Hundeliebe alleine reicht jedoch nicht für ein tragfähiges Geschäftskonzept: Die Gründung des eigenen „Unternehmens Hund“ will gut durchdacht und vorbereitet sein – dieser Leitfaden gibt dazu die nötige Hilfestellung.

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    € 24,95

Artikelen 1 tot 10 van 85 in totaal

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