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9 artikel(en)

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  • Geflügel Krankheiten

    Dieses Buch vermittelt wirtschaftlich orientierten sowie Hobby-Geflügelhaltern und -züchtern alles über die Gesunderhaltung und die wichtigsten Krankheiten der Hühner, Puten, Enten und Gänse. Sie erfahren, wie Sie Krankheiten vorbeugen können, welche Krankheit sich hinter welchen Symptomen verbirgt und wie man sie behandelt. Aus dem Inhalt: • Anatomische und physiologische Besonderheiten • Krankheitsvorbeuge • Küken- und Junggeflügelkrankheiten • Virus- und mykoplasmenbedingte Krankheiten der Junghühner • Parasiten-, virus- und bakterienbedingte Krankheiten • Vergiftungen • Vereinzelt vorkommende Krankheiten der Legehenne • Spezielle Putenkrankheiten • Häufige Krankheiten des Wassergeflügels • Gesetzliche Bestimmungen In der Liste mit Desinfektionsmitteln finden Sie Produkte, die für die Tierhaltung und für den Lebensmittelbereich geeignet sind. Meer info
    € 20,45

  • Keep Chickens!

    -Tending small flocks in Cities, Suburbs and Other Small Spaces. -Chickens are hot! There’s a chicken-farming boomlet on the rise, with upscale urban and suburban homeowners from every part of the country ordering fancy breeds of chickens, hiring architects to build elegant chicken coops in their backyards, and signing up for classes on how to raise a happy, healthy flock in a small space. Now Barbara Kilarski, a woman with a passion for poultry, offers a handbook that is as practical and encouraging as it is witty and entertaining. The Town & Country Chicken provides the detailed information everyaspiring chickenkeeper needs to know. Like home-grown vegetables, home-raised chickens put us in touch with our rural past, give us a sense of self-sufficiency, and provide food — eggs! — for the table that is a lot tastier than anything we could find at the supermarket. And chickens are fun! Like dogs, they bond with their owners, and like kids, they do the darnedest things. Kilarski regales the reader with tales spotlighting the joys of raising chickens, while at the same time explaining the nitty-gritty details of how to be a successful chicken keeper. Any way you look at it, chickens are a star of the domestic household. They are easy and inexpensive to raise, they don’t need much living space, and they provide eggs for free. No dog or cat on the planet can make the same claim. Meer info
    € 23,50

  • The Chicken Health Handbook

    This must-have reference for the small-flock owner covers the problems and diseases common to chickens of all breeds and ages. Practical charts identify common symptoms and causes of disease, while an alphabetic listing of diseases provides advice on treatment. Meer info
    € 22,70

  • Kunstbrut

    Alles, was ein Embryo während seiner Entwicklung benötigt, muss im Ei bereits vorhanden sein. Das Wissen um diese grundlegenden Vorgänge, die während der Entwicklung vom Ei zum Küken stattfindet, ist wichtig für jeden Züchter, um die richtige Bruttechnik zu wählen. Inhalt: 1.Der Eiaufbau 2.Die Eibildung 3.Die Spermabildung des Männchens 4.Die Fruchtbarkeit 5.Die Schlupffähigkeit 6.Die Entwicklung des Kükens 7.Die physikalischen Bedingungen, die für eine erfolgreiche Schluprate notwendig sind 8.Der natürliche Schlupf 9.Die Maschinenbrut 10.Die Technik der Kunstbrut 11.Fehler bei der Bebrütung 12.Brut und Aufzucht Meer info
    € 22,00

  • Kippen*

    Kippen houden is een geliefde vrijetijdsbesteding. Daarnaast staan gezondheid en welzijn van kippen sterk in de belangstelling. Deze uitgangspunten vormen de basis van de nieuwe praktijkgids Kippen. 

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    € 20,50

  • Choosing and Raising Chickens

    This is a practical and comprehensive everything-you-need-to-know guide to chicken breeds for anyone who keeps chickens, is considering keeping chickens or aspires to keep chickens. Comprehensive content features over 70 breeds which reveals how, as well as being useful, chickens are interesting and colourful characters. This guide includes essential practical information on feeding, housing and welfare as well as easy-to-use keys to selecting the most suitable breeds. Chickens make great pets - they are low maintenance living on the scraps that you throw away, and are easy-going, plus they thrive in small urban areas and backyards. Meer info
    € 22,50

  • Compleet handboek kippen houden

    Kippen leggen niet alleen overheerlijke verse eitjes, het zijn ook fascinerende dieren om gewoon in uw tuin te laten rondscharrelen. En kippen houden is helemaal niet moeilijk als u weet hoe u eraan moet beginnen. In dit compleet handboek vindt u alle informatie die u nodig hebt om op een diervriendelijke manier kippen te houden. Met de natuurlijke behoeften en het natuurlijke gedrag van de kip als uitgangspunt, geeft dit boek u uitgebreide antwoorden op al uw vragen. Meer info
    € 22,50

  • Chicken & Eggs

    Chickens are a fantastic addition to a garden or outdoors space - you don't have to live in the back of beyond to have a few clucking around and giving you fresh eggs. They come in all shapes and sizes: some are layers, some are just born to strut. Mark Diacono begins at the basics, showing how you can raise chickens from eggs, and look after them once they start laying their own. The first part of Chicken & Eggs explains how to think ahead about what kind of chickens you want and how many to get, whether you are going for a breed that lays eggs regularly, or that you might eventually use for eating, or that simply looks decorative. You can choose from Orpingtons, Derbyshire redcaps, Muffed Old English Game, Leghorns and many more. Mark then goes on to show how you can breed chickens, encourage them to lay, work out what kind of eggs you have (are they destined for the eggcup, or will they hatch into baby chicks?), and take care of them day to day, as well as how you can go about getting the birds on the table. The final part of the book is a recipe section that goes far beyond the roast, with lots of delicious ideas for fresh eggs or home-reared chicken. Meer info
    € 22,50

  • Keeping Chickens

    This is a solid, practical, everything-you-need-to-know guide to keeping chickens for people who are as interested in them as pets as they are in eggs and other poultry produce. It reveals how, as well as being useful, chickens are interesting and colourful characters that can enliven any garden. They become very tame and make good companions. It includes chapters on using feathers and eggs in art and craft projects, as well as delicious egg recipes. It fuses contemporary design, imaginative and appealing images and lively, authoritative text to ensure the widest possible interest. Contents: * Introduction - 1 Understanding chickens - 2 What to consider - 3 Choosing the breed - 4 Where and when to get chickens - 5 Cockerels - 6 Housing and cleaning - 7 Feeding - 8 Eggs - 9 Chickens, pets and children - 10 The art and craft of chickens, feathers and eggs - 11 Egg recipes - 12 The garden - 13 Health and gare - 14 Breeding - 15 Finding out more - * Index. Meer info
    € 22,50

9 artikel(en)

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