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Artikelen 1 tot 10 van 41 in totaal

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  • Farne und Gräser

    Im einleitenden Teil des Buches befassen sich die Autoren mit den Lebensbereichen der Pflanzen, die durch anschauliche Illustrationen verdeutlicht werden. Meer info
    € 20,95

  • Schapen in de weiden van de lage landen

    Steeds vaker verschijnen er weer schapen in ons buitengebied. In Nederland komen ongeveer zeventig schapenrassen voor. Grote populaties vormen de bekende Texelaars en Swifter schapen. Voor begrazing kom je ter plekke kuddes Drentse en Veluwse heideschapen tegen. Tenslotte worden er veel schapen gehouden als hobby of bijverdienste. Na een zorgvuldige keuze... Meer info
    € 24,90

  • Smart Ass

    As she and Caleb learn to thrive, you’ll learn the importance of being true to your own pure and powerful self.

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    € 20,99

  • Der Esel in tiergestützten Interventionen (mensch & tier)

    Der Esel boomt! Sein sympathisches Äußeres und seine Gelassenheit wirken beruhigend auf Menschen – daher wird er auch vermehrt bei tiergestützten Aktivitäten eingesetzt. Meer info
    € 24,99

  • Kamele sind anders* - Trampeltiere in Mitteleuropa

    Erstmals wird in diesem Buch die Psyche und das Sozialverhalten der Altweltkamele skizziert. Ein gleichzeitig gewagtes wie spannendes Unterfangen! Meer info
    € 20,95

  • Farm Machinery

    This programme uses extracts from a collection of films made by the National Institute of Agricultural Engineering over a period of about ten years from 1945. The Institute had been established by the Ministry of Agriculture in 1942 with a remit to design prototype farm equipment and publish test reports of the performance of production tractors and farm machinery. This programme includes clips taken from the film records made while testing farm machinery and prototype equipment at Askham Bryan, Yorkshire and Silsoe, Bedfordshire. They include manure spreaders and fertiliser drills, planters and crop dusters, tractors, harvesters, horticultural aids and some cultivation equipment. Some of the machines went successfully into production; others are rarities whose development was curtailed. The NIAE’s film record was professionally made. The prints from which this compilation has been drawn are in the collection of the British Agricultural Archive Film Unit and are reproduced by courtesy of Richard Watts. Brian Bell, author of 26 books and DVDs on farm machinery, has researched the footage to provide an informative commentary narrated by Chris Opperman. The original material is silent, most in black and white, some in colour. Contents: -Manure and fertiliser -Planting and crop protection -Tractors -NIAE tractor testing -Harvesters -Land Reclamation -Mechanical aids to horticulture Meer info
    € 23,95

  • Seltene Haus- & Nutztierrasse

    Pferde, Esel, Rinder, Schweine, Schafe, Ziegen, Hühner, Enten, Gänse, Truthahn und Perlhuhn: 120 selten gewordene oder vom Aussterben bedrohte Rassen aus dem ganzen deutschsprachigen Raum und den Gebieten der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie werden in diesem Buch in Text und Bild vorgestellt: Herkunft, Aussehen und Eigenschaften, Zuchtverbände etc. Meer info
    € 22,95

  • Llamas on the trail

    Llamas - those wooly, long-necked, banana-eared creatures of the Andes - have made their way into the backyards and backcountry of North America. Curious and calm, dignified and intelligent, agile and companionable, llamas afford the opportunities of backpacking while offering the freedom to carry far less weight yourself. Llamas on the trail is a complete guide to packing with these loveable beasts. This book covers all the basics, from selecting, training, and conditioning your own animals, to choosig the right packing equipment, planning your trip, and hitting the trail. Folks who already pack with Llamas will find ideas to make their outings easier, safer, and more enjoyable. Meer info
    € 20,45

  • Chicken & Eggs

    Chickens are a fantastic addition to a garden or outdoors space - you don't have to live in the back of beyond to have a few clucking around and giving you fresh eggs. They come in all shapes and sizes: some are layers, some are just born to strut. Mark Diacono begins at the basics, showing how you can raise chickens from eggs, and look after them once they start laying their own. The first part of Chicken & Eggs explains how to think ahead about what kind of chickens you want and how many to get, whether you are going for a breed that lays eggs regularly, or that you might eventually use for eating, or that simply looks decorative. You can choose from Orpingtons, Derbyshire redcaps, Muffed Old English Game, Leghorns and many more. Mark then goes on to show how you can breed chickens, encourage them to lay, work out what kind of eggs you have (are they destined for the eggcup, or will they hatch into baby chicks?), and take care of them day to day, as well as how you can go about getting the birds on the table. The final part of the book is a recipe section that goes far beyond the roast, with lots of delicious ideas for fresh eggs or home-reared chicken. Meer info
    € 22,50

  • Kippen*

    Kippen houden is een geliefde vrijetijdsbesteding. Daarnaast staan gezondheid en welzijn van kippen sterk in de belangstelling. Deze uitgangspunten vormen de basis van de nieuwe praktijkgids Kippen. 

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    € 20,50

Artikelen 1 tot 10 van 41 in totaal

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