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Artikelen 1 tot 10 van 12 in totaal

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  • Persian Cats

    -buying-care-feeding-grooming-varieties-showing-breeding Meer info
    € 17,50

  • Oriental Shorthair Cat

    This authoritative yet infinitely readable text is enhanced by the accompanying colour photography, both enlivening the chapters and illustrating vital points about the breed. Contents: -History -A portrait of the Oriental Shorthair Cat -Purchasing -Providing a safe home for your Oriental Shorthair Cat -Feeding -Grooming -Training and behaviour -Breeding -Health care Meer info
    € 19,50

  • Manx Cat

    This complete book dedicated to the Manx Cat will be a treasured addition to every owner's library, ensuring a happier, more rewarding co-existence between owner and his beloved Manx. Topics discussed include: -History -A portrait of the Manx Cat -Purchasing -Providing a safe home -Feeding -Grooming -Training and behaviour -Breeding -Exhibiting -Health care Meer info
    € 19,50

  • Katten

    Dit boek etaleert de raadselachtige allure en elegantie van de mysterieuze maar steeds weer fascinerende kat. U zult traditionele favorieten en nieuwe en zeldzame rassen uit de hele wereld zien, van de Pers en de Siberische Kat via de Brits Korthaar en de Noorse Boskat tot de Australian Mist en de Chartreux. Meer info
    € 15,00

  • Beautiful Cats

    Cat lovers- purr with joy! This gorgeous compendium of photos and facts will introduce you to felines of all sizes, shapes, and colors. As these mysterious creatures stare out from pages, you'll actually feel that you can pet their soft fur. Meet the major breeds, and get acquainted with their history and the features that histinguish the typer and standard for each feline: the shape of its ears, eyes, and mouth: the color and pattern variations in its coat; and its musculature and size. Tips on car. Meer info
    € 18,15

  • Abyssinian Cat

    One in a series of authoritative cat breed books, this book will provide you with all the guidance and advice you will need for providing a healthy and happy lifestyle for this treasured breed. It includes points on behaviour, feeding and healthcare and is an essential book for every new owner. Meer info
    € 19,50

  • Birman Cat

    This beautifully designed volume dedicated to the Birman cat will be a treasured addition to everey Birman lover's library, ensuring a happier, more rewarding co-existence between owner and his beloved Birman cat. Topics discussed include: -History -A portrait of the Birman Cat -Purchasing a Birman Cat -Providing a safe home -Feeding -Grooming -Training and behaviour of your Birman cat -Breeding -Exhibiting your Birman cat -Health care Meer info
    € 19,50

  • De Maine Coon

    Hoewel zijn stoere en imposante verschijning wellicht anders doet vermoeden, is de Maine Coon een uiterst sociale, evenwichtige en goedgehumeurde kat.

    Zijn ongecompliceerde karakter is één van de belangrijkste redenen waarom deze zachtaardige reus bij een breed publiek zo geliefd is.

    Meer info
    € 16,95

  • Kartäuser & Co

    Katzencharaktere und sanfte Schmuser Eine zuverlässige Entscheidungshilfe, um die richtige Rasse und den richtigen Züchter zu finden. Die schönsten Kurzhaar-Katzenrassen werden ausführlich beschrieben. Dazu alles Wichtige über Ernährung, Gesundheit und Verhalten dieser edlen Katzen. Die erfahrenen Autorinnen erläutern Zuchtinteressierten außerdem die Grundlagen der Vererbungslehre. Sanfte Britisch Kurzhaar, faszinierende Europäisch Kurzhaar, noble Russisch Blau (Bleu Russe), edle Chartreux (Kartauser) und beliebte Amerikanisch Kurzhaar - die Autorinnen stellen diese Rassen vor. Meer info
    € 15,95

  • All about Himalayan Cats

    Contents: -Beautiful Himalayans -Creation of the Himalayan in America -Creation of the Himalayan in England -Himalayans in other countries -Breed's top cats -Himalayan as a breed -Feeding and nutrition -Grooming your Himalayan -Buying a Kitten -Breeding your Himalayan -Cat associations -Showing your Himalayan -Common ailments -Cats and the law -General cat care. Meer info
    € 18,60

Artikelen 1 tot 10 van 12 in totaal

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