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Artikelen 1 tot 10 van 55 in totaal

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  • 60 plus Hund

    Sie gehören zu den Best Ager, die Kinder sind längst aus dem Haus und Sie haben wieder mehr Zeit für sich? Oder Sie sind in Altersteilzeit, möglicherweise auch schon in Rente und haben jetzt die Gelegenheit, sich den langgehegten Wunsch nach einem Hund zu erfüllen? Und fragen sich gleichzeitig: Bin ich nicht doch schon zu alt dafür? Wer weiß, ob ich in ein paar Jahren noch gut zu Fuß bin? Was passiert, wenn ich krank wrde oder ins Altenheim komme? Dann halten Sie genau das richtige Buch in der Hand. Meer info
    € 14,95

  • The Perfect Dog

    Expert animal psychologist Dr Roger Mugford separates the dog care facts from the fiction and teaches you how to care for your pet in a simple, organic and rewarding way. 

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    € 19,50

  • Kleiner Hund ganz gross

    Dieser Ratgeber gibt Besitzern von Kleinhunden Antworten auf alle wichtigen Fragen rund um Haltung, Pflege und Erziehung von Chihuahua, Malteser, Mops, Jack Russel & Co. Meer info
    € 19,95

  • A Dog is a Dog*

    A Dog is a Dog is an excellent book for young children to read, especially if they are interested in having a dog. The author, Clarice Rutherford, brings her many years of experience with dogs into this book, and explains dogs, how to manage, train, as well as understand them. The book is written for the middle grade school level. Meer info
    € 14,95

  • The Holistic Dog

    Holistic health is all about considering your dog in relation to his home, his diet and his routine healthcare. Whether you have used complementary treatments for your dog before or are just looking for a more natural way to care for him, "The Holistic Dog" will open your eyes to the range of effective alternative therapies available. Meer info
    € 22,50

  • Auf gute alte Tage

    Auch wenn die Schnauze langsam grau wird, zum alten Eisen zählen diese Hunde-Senioren noch lange nicht. Im Gegenteil: Sie stehen voll im Leben, sind ihren Menschen wundervolle Partner, vertraute Freunde und meist noch fit wie ein Turnschuh! Meer info
    € 12,50

  • The Mobile Pet Grooming Guide

    The Mobile Pet Grooming Guide is the ultimate reference guide for entering, upscaling, or growing a mobile grooming business. Meer info
    € 49,99

  • Groom your dog like a professional

    Grooming your dog has never been easier! Written with the requirements of the average dog owner in mind, this budget friendly do-it-yourself guide sets forth the essentials skills and tools needed to care for every coat type. But Groom your dog like a professional is more than just a coat care manual - step-by-step instructions with accompanying photos also explain how to attend to the teeth, ears, eyes, and nails. Meer info
    € 17,95

  • The healthy way to stretch your Dog

    Keep your canine companion or athlete injury-free by learning the right way to stretch from a physical therapist and a dog trainer. Over 300 photos and diagrams in the book teach you how to stretch while preventing injury to you or your dog. Meer info
    € 29,99

  • Dr. Khalsa's Natural Dog

    A pioneer in holistic veterinary medicine, Dr. Deva Khalsa shares her effective, integrative approach to natural health and healing for dogs in this invaluable book. Expanded and updated, Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog, in its fourth edition, presents an inspired way for dog owners to design a diet specifically for their dog’s needs, lifestyle, age, and health. Meer info
    € 23,99

Artikelen 1 tot 10 van 55 in totaal

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