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Artikelen 1 tot 10 van 16 in totaal

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  • Dog Hair

    Dogs can be fashion victims just like the rest of us. Take yourself on a journey through the highs and lows of doggy hairdos, including mullets, perms, sleek bouncy locs and mohicans. Dog Hair has 75 of the most cutting edge styles - feel inspired and pamper your pooch. Whether you have a spaniel, a poodle or a mongrel, your furry friend will love their makeover. Meer info
    € 9,99

  • Fitness Planner for your dog

    Whether training a dog for competitive events, or simply to keep the animal active and healthy, this volume offers a wealth of information and advice to owners on setting up a workable exercise and training program. Different sports and activities are recommended for different seasons of the year. They involve supervised running, swimming, jumping through an obstacle course, and more. Programs are designed so that they can be carried out by older children as well as adult dog owners. The author also offers extensive canine medical advice. The book features dozens of full-color photos, plus line art, charts, and tables. Meer info
    € 9,50

  • The natural dog

    An increasing number of owners wish to look after their dog in a way that is more in keeping with its evolved physiology and psychology. The natural dog bives practical alternatives to modern mthods which are being increasingly criticised by the veterinary profession as not being in the best long-term interest of the species. The book covers evolution, choosing a breed, settling-in a new dog, feeding, training, common ailments and natural medicines, together with a section on behaviour. The natural dog is an invaluable addition to every dog owner's book shelf. Meer info
    € 9,05

  • Der alternde Hund

    Dieses Buch füllt eine wichtige Lücke, denn der Buchmarkt quillt zwar über von Büchern über Welpen und Junghunde, aber der alternde Hund wird fast nirgends berücksichtigt. Dabei dauert ein Hundeleben 10 bis 16 Jahre - und die letzten Jahre sind nicht weniger wichtig als die ersten! Der englische Tierarzt Dr. Gorman erklärt die besonderen Bedürfnisse eines älteren Hundes und wie man es schafft, ihm einen gesunden und fitten Lebensabend zu gönnen. Das Alter verliert für Mensch und Tier seine Bedrohlichkeit, wenn man es bewusst angeht und richtig gestaltet. Meer info

    Normale prijs: € 15,50

    Aanbieding € 9,30

  • A guide to owing an aging dog

    Aging dogs, like aging people, have considerations all their own: what diet is best; exercise concerns; decreasing vision and hearing, as well as other health problems; and others. This book explores them all, and is written in a tone that empathizes with both pet and owner during a dog's sunset years. Meer info

    Normale prijs: € 11,15

    Aanbieding € 7,95

  • 1 x 1 der Hundehaltung

    Alles über Kauf, Haltung, Fütterung, Ausbildung, Vom Welpen bis zum Veteran. Meer info

    Normale prijs: € 14,10

    Aanbieding € 5,00

  • The Professional Pet Sitter

    Be your own boss and turn your love for animals into real income. The Professional Pet Sitter shows you how to have fun and earn an income at the same time. This book teaches you, step-by-step, how to organize your business, price and market, run it day to day and provide consistent, disciplined perfect service. Meer info

    Normale prijs: € 15,90

    Aanbieding € 8,50

  • Yes, Virginia- There is a pet heaven

    If your elderly pet went to the bookstore with you she would point to this book and tell you 'Buy that one!'. Meer info

    Normale prijs: € 12,50

    Aanbieding € 6,50

  • Wenn Hunde reden könnten

    Viele meiner Artgenossen werden voreilig abgegeven, weil Ihr Menschen einfach zu unerfahren im Umgang mit uns Vierbeinern seid. Ein Hund kann aber nur der treue Freund werden, den Ihr Euch wünscht, wenn Ihr bereit seid, Euch über sein Wesen und seine Bedürfnisse zu informieren.: Meer info

    Normale prijs: € 17,05

    Aanbieding € 5,00

  • Normale prijs: € 9,90

    Aanbieding € 5,00

Artikelen 1 tot 10 van 16 in totaal

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