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5 artikel(en)

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  • Theory of 5*

    The methods outlined in this informative book have been time tested for more than 20 years by Melissa Verplank and her team. By reducing complex methods and techniques to easy-to-understand terms, Melissa has helped hundreds of stylists quickly master the skills and patterns necessary to groom hundreds of different breeds. Each dog looks unique because of its physical shape, size, color, and coat texture. Meer info
    € 39,99

  • Poodle - Clipping & Grooming

    Beautiful renderings by world-renowned artist Maude Nilsson illustrate Poodle trims from around the world. They add even more pizzazz to this already heavily illustrated guide. Back by popular demand, Poodle Clipping and Grooming: The International Reference is a revamped version of the original classic that no groomer can be without. Meer info
    € 35,99

  • Ultimate Dog Care

    Written by leading veterinary specialists in the UK and North America, this book is the most comprehensive and accessible book of its kind, a must have for every caring dog owner. Contents: 1.The wolf's descent 2.The healthy dog 3.Feeding and nutrition 4.Canine structure 5.Life support systems 6.The respiratory system 7.The dog's world 8.The skin 9.The next generation 10.The question of inheritance 11.The canine athlete 12.Alternative approaches. Meer info
    € 36,30

  • The Kalstone guide to Grooming all toy dogs

    Basic instructions are provided for grooming, trimming, and conditioning a wide range of small breeds, including the Chihuahua, Maltese, Pekingese, toy poodle, and Lhasa Apso Meer info
    € 36,50

  • Een hondenleven lang fysiek en mentaal in balans - Deel 3

    Pup, puber, volwassen hond, senior en bejaarde viervoeter. Elke periode in een hondenleven wordt gekenmerkt door zijn eigen specifieke behoeftes, mogelijkheden en valkuilen. Met dit boek beschrijven osteopaat Martine Burgers en hondentrainer Sam Turner levensfases waar nog maar weinig over geschreven is, namelijk de periodes van volwassenheid, senior zijn en bejaard worden. Meer info
    € 36,95

5 artikel(en)

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