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Artikelen 11 tot 20 van 124 in totaal

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  • Dog Relax

    The technique 'Dog Relax' was developed to ensure that both owner and dog are relaxed, through a combination of breathing and movement exercises for the owner, and stretching, movement and special massage for the dog. This delightful book simply and compassionately shows owners how to recognise problems when dealing with their dog, and how human behaviour and expressions are perceived by their canine friend. With the help of this book, begin building a better, more understanding relationship with your best friend today! Meer info
    € 22,50

  • Kynos Trimm- und Pflegefibel

    Das zu Rasse und Haartyp passende Scheren oder Trimmen von Hunden ist eine Kunst für sich: Schon kleinere Variationen in der "Frisur" können das äußere Erscheinungsbild des Vierbeiners drastisch verändern! Meer info
    € 32,00

  • Going to the Dogs

    When Jan Nieman decided to become a mobile pet groomer, little did she know what a wild ride she was in for. Over the next 21 years, she tussled with feisty pets, wrestled with stubborn vans, chased down AWOL dogs, and learned to cope with wayward employees. 

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    € 22,95

  • The Dog Expert

    Loyal, loving, intelligent and playful, a dog is ‘man’s best friend’ for good reason. Given a safe, happy environment, proper training, a balanced diet and sufficient exercise a dog will reward you with devotion, entertainment and many years of companionship as a much-loved member of the family. Whether you are planning to bring home a puppy for the first time, already have a dog in the family or are caring for an elderly pet, The Dog Expert will show you how to: - Choose the right dog for you - Create the ideal environment for your dog - Ensure your dog is well fed and properly exercised - Groom, train and have problem-free fun with your dog - Travel with your dog - Spot when something is wrong and how best to help Meer info
    € 14,95

  • Wellness für Hunde

    Möchten Sie auch, dass es Ihrem Hund immer gut geht und er sich wohlfühlt? Dann entwickeln Sie doch für ihn ein ganz individuelles Wellness- programm. Egal, ob Ihr Hund altersbedingt oder aufgrund einer Erkrankung in seiner Bewegung eingeschränkt ist, ob Sie diesem vorbeugen wollen oder ob Sie einfach möchten, dass er sich noch besser fühlt Meer info
    € 15,95

  • Auf gute alte Tage

    Auch wenn die Schnauze langsam grau wird, zum alten Eisen zählen diese Hunde-Senioren noch lange nicht. Im Gegenteil: Sie stehen voll im Leben, sind ihren Menschen wundervolle Partner, vertraute Freunde und meist noch fit wie ein Turnschuh! Meer info
    € 12,50

  • The Mobile Pet Grooming Guide

    The Mobile Pet Grooming Guide is the ultimate reference guide for entering, upscaling, or growing a mobile grooming business. Meer info
    € 49,99

  • Groom your dog like a professional

    Grooming your dog has never been easier! Written with the requirements of the average dog owner in mind, this budget friendly do-it-yourself guide sets forth the essentials skills and tools needed to care for every coat type. But Groom your dog like a professional is more than just a coat care manual - step-by-step instructions with accompanying photos also explain how to attend to the teeth, ears, eyes, and nails. Meer info
    € 17,95

  • The healthy way to stretch your Dog

    Keep your canine companion or athlete injury-free by learning the right way to stretch from a physical therapist and a dog trainer. Over 300 photos and diagrams in the book teach you how to stretch while preventing injury to you or your dog. Meer info
    € 29,99

  • Handbuch Hundepflege

    Das Buch wendet sich an alle, die Hunde lieben – und entweder ihre Leidenschaft zum Beruf des Hundepflegers gemacht haben oder ihren eigenen Liebling zu Hause verwöhnen möchten. Das neu überarbeitete Handbuch bietet fundiert alle wissenswerten Grundlagen zu Anatomie, Gesundheit und Fellpflege. Meer info
    € 19,95

Artikelen 11 tot 20 van 124 in totaal

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