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Artikelen 21 tot 30 van 435 in totaal

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  • BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Neurology*

    Many veterinary practitioners consider neurology to be one of the more difficult specialties, yet it is an area that just requires a logical and systematic approach. The latest edition of this popular Manual has been thoroughly overhauled and updated, while retaining the practical emphasis to aid information retrieval. Part 1 of this Manual describes the increasing availability of additional diagnostic tests such as MRI, which has greatly advanced this discipline but this does not devalue the importance of “the neurological examination”.DVD contained in this new edition features 100 videoclips as the one shown left. This example shows positional strabismus: A dog exhibiting a right-sided positional strabismus suggestive of ipsilateral vestibular disease. As the head is moved a variable positional nystagmus is seen, which has a fast phase to the left when horizontal, compatible with right-sided disease. (See page 195 in the Manual). Meer info
    € 107,99

  • When your Dog has Cancer

    While some dogs diagnosed with cancer can be treated successfully and survive for years, a diagnosis of cancer for your dog often means the time you have left together is limited. In this important new book, author Lola Ball provides answers to the question of what you the owner can do and what your alternatives are if your dog is struck by cancer. The most important first steps are to arm yourself with knowledge about the different types of cancers, medicines, treatment alternatives and prognoses. But what if treatments do not succeed? What are your options then? This is the point at which most owners are left alone not knowing what to do. Based on her two experiences with cancer in her own dogs, Lola explores the range of choices you do have and strategies you can employ to make the best of the time you have remaining with your dog. Meer info
    € 19,99

  • Pukka's Promise

    When Ted Kerasote was ready for a new dog after losing his beloved Merle — who died too soon, as all our dogs do — he knew that he would want to give his puppy Pukka the longest life possible. But how to do that? So much has changed in the way we feed, vaccinate, train, and live with our dogs from even a decade ago. Meer info
    € 17,99

  • Mini-Lexikon Naturheilpraxis für Hunde

    Die Naturheilkunde bietet heute auch für Hunde eine immer größer werdende Auswahl an Behandlungsmöglichkeiten für die verschiedenen Erkrankungen. Dieses praktische Nachschlagewerk ermöglicht in Ergänzung zur Grundlagenliteratur durch die alphabetische Sortierung nach Erkrankungen bzw. Symptonen ein schnelles Auffinden möglicher Mittel von Homöopathie und Schüssler Salzen über Komplexmittel und Bachblüten bis hin zu Kräutern. Farbige Unterscheidungen helfen, sich unter den verschiedenen Medikamenten schnell zu orientieren. Meer info
    € 12,00

  • Canine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation*

    Canine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, Second Edition offers a thoroughly revised and updated new edition of this gold standard reference for all aspects of sports medicine and rehabilitation, encompassing basic science and integrated veterinary and physical therapy approaches. Meer info
    € 116,00

  • Gesunder Sport- und Diensthund

    Von Sporthunden wird heute viel verlangt: Sie sollen hoch springen, schnell laufen, Ausdauer und Geschicklichkeit zeigen,um ihren Besitzern Pokale nach Hause zu bringen. Aber auch die Diensthunde bei Polizei, Zoll, im Rettungsdienst oder auf der Jagd sind starken Beanspruchungen ausgesetzt. Um leistungsfähig zu werden und zu bleiben, muss auch der vierbeinige Sportler richtig vorbereitet und begleitet werden. Die Tierärztin Gabrielle Scheidegger liefert mit diesem Buch erstmals ein Standardwerk für den Trainingsaufbau und -erhalt bei Leistungshunden in Dienst- und Freizeitsport, das alle wichtigen Aspekte der Sportmedizin umfasst. Meer info
    € 29,95

  • Canine and Feline Infectious Diseases*

    Well-organized Major Infectious Diseases chapters break down content by etiologic agent and epidemiology, clinical signs and their pathophysiology, physical examination findings, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis, immunity, prevention, and public health implications. Meer info
    € 104,60

  • Introduction to Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology Textbook*

    A sound knowledge of anatomy and physiology is an essential basis for the effective clinical treatment of companion animals. The new third edition Introduction to Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology Textbook offers clear and comprehensive of the common companion animal species.

    Updated throughout with a new section added on large animals, the new edition features augmented online learning resources with new questions and quizzes.

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    € 68,50

  • Physical Therapy and Massage for the Dog*

    Interest in canine massage and physical therapy has grown as greater emphasis is placed on the general fitness and agility of dogs, as pets and as sporting animals.

    In this book the authors are concerned with the prevention, management and treatment of movement and allied disorders. It encompasses detailed assessments, treatment programmes that involve hands-on therapy along with dynamic remedial and strengthening techniques using exercise plans

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    € 45,99

  • Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary consult: Canine & Feline*


    Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline, 7th Edition provides up-to-date information on feline and canine disease in the familiar, popular, and trusted 5-Minute Veterinary Consult format. This reference puts all the necessary information regarding common diseases and conditions in dogs and cats at the reader’s fingertips. Covering 845 specific disorders, Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult is the most comprehensive and timely reference on canine and feline medicine available today.

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    € 116,95

Artikelen 21 tot 30 van 435 in totaal

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