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  • Schweine Krankheiten

    Was Muss man tun, damit Schwine gfesund und munter bleissen? Ernst-Gunther Hellwig, Fachtierarzt fur Schweine und selbstandiger berarer fur Landwirte und Tierarzte, vermittelt das erforderliche basiswissen mit folgenden Schwerpunkten: -Futterung -haltungsformen -Impfungen und vorbeugende Massnahmen -Bestandsbetreuung und Gesundheitsuberwachung -Richtiges handling Die wichtigsten Erkankungen in Zucht und mast betrieben werden ausfuhrlich dargestellt: -Krankheiten im ambferkelstall -Krankheiten in der ferkelaufzucht -Fruchtbarkeitsstorungen -Krankheiten in der Vor-und Endmast Ursachliche Einflusse von Haltung, Klima und Futterung auf den Gesundheitszustand werden Genannt. Learn More

  • The Economics of Pig Production

    Bob Ridgeon has been responsible for the highly respected Cambridge Pig Management Scheme for many years. This detailed servey of financial and physical aspects of pigfarming has provided reliable andtimely standards of achievements against which producers van check performance and identify any areas of weakness. The great reliance placed on the independent results by all those connected with pig production has derived in large part from the meticulous and exacting standards of tecording and analysis imposed by the scheme. Learn More

  • Ferkel und Sauen

    Praxisrelevante und wichtige Informationen, um die anspruchsvolle Arbeit auch unter Wettbewerbsbedingungen kompetent zu bewerkstelligen. Learn More

  • The Health of Pigs*

    The Health of pigs is a 'state of the art'reference work on the health and welfare pigs, comprising a series of chapters by leading authorities in the field. It surveys the relationships between management systems and pig health and shows how productivity and profitability can be maximised through an integrated approach to welfare. With many health problems stemming from inadequacies in husbandry, The Health of Pigs also considers the fundamental principles of economic pig husbandry. key features include: -an economic assessment of the cost of sub-optimal health -an examination of the effect of housing and environment on the health and productivity of the pig -a survey of the nutritronal needs of pigs, couled with practical advice on the feeding of breeding sows, piglets and adult pigs Learn More

  • Outdoor pig production

    For some years there has been a strong case to be made to be for outdoor pig productionon light land in areas of reasonably low rainfall. Capital outlay is lower than for an indoor unit and disease problems tend to be fewer. So although productivity may be less than for an indoor unit, the final profitability usually campares favourably. In this book Keith Thornton amplifies these points and draws attention to recent developments which have favoured outdoor production. He then provides specific details of all the elements of a successful ourdoor business, drawing on his experience in Britain, the United States and CHina. Learn More

  • Pig Diseases

    -Introduction -Virus Diseases -Bacterial Diseases -Fungal Diseases -Parasitic Diseases -Nutritional Conditions -Congenital and Hereditary Conditions -Miscellaneous Conditions -Guide to differential Diafnosis Learn More

  • A colour atlas of Diseases & Disorders of the Pig

    This full colour atlas provides a comprehensive and detailed survey of all those diseases which afflict the pig, with the emphasis throughout on practicable observation. Learn More

    Regular Price: €119.15

    Special Price €95.50

  • Pigs

    A complete guide to pig management, fron suckling piglets to the market. Chapters caver. Learn More

  • The growing and finishing Pig

    This book aims to provide all the information producers require to enable their pifmeat to remain hifhly competitive with other meats while at the same time being produced in ways acceptable to the consumer. Its explores in detail the many interlinked factors the control the efficiency of pig growth from weaning to slaughter. Learn More

  • Het alomtegenwoordige varken

    In Het alomtegenwoordige varken schrijven Marilyn Nissenson en Susan Jonas met liefde over de veelzijdige relatie tussen mens en varken. Ook schenken ze aandacht aan de kunst die er rond dit thema bestaat. 165 illustraties, waarvan 90 in kleur, worden u enkele van de betoverendste, waardigste, kwellendste, knuffeligste en meedogenlooste afbeeldingen van varkensgetoond die sinds de oudheid zijn gemaakt. Deze worden aangevuld met fragmenten uit de wereldliteratuur. Verder vindt u overal in het boek opmerkingen, aforismen en wetenswaardigheden over deze fascinerende, maar vaak onbegrepen schepsels. Dat er een bijzondere band bestaat tussen varkens en mensen is door diverse wetenschappers, tekenaars van spotprenten en literaire figuren opgemerkt. Zelfs Harry Truman merkte op dat iemand die niet met varkens om kan gaan, nooit president kan worden. Al in de vroege kunst komen afbeeldingen van varkens voor en ook later zijn ze een onuitputtelijke inspiratiebron geweest voor diverse kunstenaars. Learn More

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