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A complete pet owner's manual
All the information and advice to help you take good car of your turtle.
Here are detailed instructions on turtle care, safe handling, feeding, health care, and general maintenance. Books in the Complete Pet Owner's Manuals series present basic information for new or soon-to-be owners. Advice and instruction covers feeding, housing, health care, training, grooming, and much more. Texts emphasize pet care basics and are easy for all readers to understand
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Product Description


All the information and advice to help you take good car of your turtle. Here are detailed instructions on turtle care, safe handling, feeding, health care, and general maintenance. Books in the Complete Pet Owner's Manuals series present basic information for new or soon-to-be owners. Advice and instruction covers feeding, housing, health care, training, grooming, and much more. Texts emphasize pet care basics and are easy for all readers to understand

Additional Information

Additional Information

Author Hartmut Wilke
Number of pages 63
Version Book
Language English
Year N/A
Characteristics Terrarium and Reptiles | Schildpadden
Article no. TR187
Kenmerken (En) Terrarium and Reptiles | Schildpadden
Information 1991-America-paperback-color photos


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